Eating to Boost Brain Health and Ease Symptoms

Eating to Boost Brain Health and Ease Symptoms

Notes from the desk of Joanne Calvert re: a recent MJF podcast Why Diet is Important:Diet plays a key role in managing symptoms and may slow progression of PD. Diet is As Important as Exercise:Exercise has received more attention but diet is as important.Two diets...
My P.D. Journey & Deep Brain Stimulation

My P.D. Journey & Deep Brain Stimulation

Submitted by Rick Galbraith October 2013…. diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. This diagnosis has currently changed my life and the lives of many others. Many people have heard of the disease, but not many know much about the disease. I want to change people’s...
My Parkinson’s Journey & DBS Experience

My Parkinson’s Journey & DBS Experience

Submitted by Leanne Johnston, Collingwood & SGB Parkinson’s Support Group. First, some background on my Parkinson’s journey, as it seems I was an unusual case. Parkinson’s Disease (PD) developed so quickly; in the early stages the doctors said it couldn’t be PD....